~Meet the Family ~
George and Laura
George and Laura married in 1994. They have spent their life together serving the Lord in many ways including raising their 11 children. George is a mechanical engineer and works for a pharmaceutical company in Wilmington, Ohio. Laura spends her time managing the home and teaching the children the skills they will need in life. Both George and Laura desire to raise their children to be Godly young men and women who will uphold God's truth and shine His light.
Rachael Elise {1998}
Rachael does most of the vocal music arranging, sings alto and tenor and plays piano, guitar, and viola as well as dabbling in others. She enjoys cooking, especially ethnic foods, and embraces a chance to experiment with a new recipe! Rachael graduated with her B.A in music with a collaborative piano focus in May of 2019, and has a variety of work including gigs, accompanying, teaching piano lessons, housecleaning, and working with the National Bible Bee. She loves traveling and firmly believes that part of the enjoyment is the journey. |
Anna Patrice {2000}
Anna plays flute and cello as well as sings lead and tenor. She also does some of the secretary and contact work for our music ministry. Anna has a tender heart and loves to help other people. She enjoys Bible study and having in-depth conversations with people. She likes gardening, playing with the little ones, and making things beautiful-one recent summer, she kept fresh flower arrangements in the house the whole summer! Anna is learning Spanish and prays that she will be able to use that skill to minister to others through missions. |
Celia Noel {2001}
Celia loves her violin so much that she rarely puts it away-its always out in case of sudden inspiration! She also sings alto and lead-she is often found singing or humming her new favorite song. Celia loves animals, anything and everything outdoors, and working hard on the farm. She also enjoys cooking, crocheting, hair and outfit styling, long walks and making life fun for others. Her sunny spirit and cheerful ways bless our family! She graduated in 2019 and currently is a violin teacher and mothers helper. |
Ella Grace {2004}
Ella sings lead and tenor and plays the mandolin, piano, and violin. A few favorite activities include board games, math, singing, and reading. Like her older sisters, Ella wants to be a wife and mother someday, so she is using this time she has to prepare herself for adulthood by learning the skills she will need. She is also diligent in her studies and continues to work towards finishing high school. |
Elisha James {2006}
Elisha has lots of ambition and is always designing something new. He sings melody and plays guitar, bass guitar, and also learned upright bass to play in youth orchestra. He is a natural leader and can accomplish a lot with the help of his brothers. Elisha enjoys woodworking, trapping and skinning, working as a farm hand, and-in true teenage boy fashion-eating. He also is raising his own herd of cows and takes good care of his animals. His goal is to work with his mind and body and to please the Lord with his life. |
Enoch Benjamin {2007}
Enoch's instrument is violin and he recently started singing alto. His passion is investigating all kinds of insects, marine animals, or reptiles, and can often be found outside catching creatures from our pond. Enoch is full of questions and likes to understand how things work. He enjoys playing with his brothers, doing anything that has to do with animals, reading, studying, and solving problems. Enoch wants to be a scientist someday and work in the field of animal science. |
Ezekiel David {2008}
Ezekiel sings melody and plays piano as well as upright bass in a youth orchestra. He enjoys woodworking and is our resident landscaper; he also is both Elisha and Ella's farm helpers. Ezekiel enjoys doing pretty much anything that allows him be with people, especially when they talk to him! Interactive games such as Scattergories are a favorite with Ezekiel! |
Zechariah Paul {2011}
Zechariah("ZP") is a sweet little boy who loves to help Elisha with all of the farm work that is required. He is diligent in getting up every morning in order to go outside in rain or shine. He recently had a jump in reading abilities and is currently working through the unabridged Chronicles of Narnia series. Zechariah has taken piano for a few years and also recently started playing "Ellie the Celli", his little quarter-sized cello. |
Miriam Esther {2011}
Miriam joined our family through adoption on September 6th, 2017, along with her biological brother Michael. She loves having so many big sisters to do things with but also enjoys playing outside with her brothers. Miriam loves helping in the kitchen, riding bikes and ripsticks outside, and tagging along to assist in farm chores. She is learning piano and also has fun putting together jigsaw puzzles. |
Malachi Andrew {2013}
With his dramatic personality and big blue eyes, Malachi adds sunshine to our family! He is definitely one of the most extroverted family members and enjoys being around people. He recently started piano lessons and loves to read books. Malachi enjoys playing games and frequently shares facts he learns from books or his older siblings. He loves school and is diligent in working through his books. |
Michael Ezra {2013}
Michael was adopted into our family on September 6th, 2017, along with Miriam. He enjoys playing with all his brothers and is excited to be a "big boy". His most recent accomplishment was learning to ride a two-wheeler bike without training wheels! Michael enjoys helping in the kitchen, playing outside with his siblings, building with Lego, and playing games. |